Why Recruit @ NITK
NITK has been fulfilling its aim of providing quality education to suit the demands of the profession and society via rigorous and laborious work. NITK is one of the top three NITs in the country, placing 10th in the engineering school rankings in NIRF 2021. NITK has built a reputation for generating the top qualified Engineering graduates around the globe. They will play a crucial part in the prestigious and esteemed organization.
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NITK presently offers nine undergraduate programmes and twenty-seven postgraduate courses in Science, Engineering, and Technology, in addition to MCA, MSc, and MBA. Doctoral programmes are available in 14 Departments across various research areas and interdisciplinary streams.
One of the oldest technological institutions in southern India and rated as the best technological institution in Karnataka and with excellent placement records, it achieves the top position in the country for placements.
Clubs and Events
Over 26 Student Clubs provide events ranging from robotics and astronomy to racing, cinema, classical arts, and fashion. Student representatives lead groups that collaborate to deliver programmes, organize yearly events, and expose students to the finest minds in their respective professions.
As educators, NITK understands the value of research as a hands-on learning method. Participating in active faculty-led research benefits our students. In our fourteen departments, research thrives as professionals from many fields come together to expand the frontiers of technology.
The campus serves the needs of a community of Faculty, Staff, and Students. The site includes a Central Library, Central Research Facility, shopping complex, banks with ATMs, post office, schools, hospital, guest house, cafeterias, and a playground for the pleasure of the inhabitants.
The NITK Alumni Association has a robust global network, with branches on all continents. Alums have organized a Venture Support Cell to support and fund start-up activities of Institute students/alumni and fund Institute faculty/student projects that offer internships and placements.
Recruitment Process
About Us

Chairman's Message
Greetings from CDC, NITK Surathkal
National Institute of Technology Karnataka Surathkal (the then Karnataka Regional Engineering College) is recognized as one of the world's premier educational institutions for producing highly talented graduates over the years. State-of-the-art infrastructure, the brightest student minds, highly qualified faculty, staff, and a lush green beach campus are the hallmarks of this institution, all of which are reflected in our NIRF ranking. The institute offers various undergraduate, postgraduate, and research programs in Engineering, Science, and Management. NITK offers a conducive environment for the all-around development of graduates to succeed in their careers as pioneering professionals.
NITK is the most preferred Institute among the NITs to many organizations for recruiting outstanding employees with the potential to be their future leaders. These organizations, from both within India and abroad, are excited about our students' capability, skill, intellect, and professional readiness. Higher education Institutions in India and Abroad have identified the true research potential of NITK students, offered them admission to MS, Ph.D., and PDF, and recruited them for various Faculty and research roles. The reputation of NITK as one of India's top Placement Cells hinges on the unshakeable relationship built with recruiters. With a meticulously designed recruitment process that has been improving year after year, NITK strives to provide its recruiters with an experience that benefits NITK’s stature.
We highly value our partnership with recruiters, alumni, and friends of NITK and remain committed to making the recruiting experience enjoyable and rewarding. I invite the recruiting organizations and graduating students to work on finding the best match between the expectations of the recruiters and the aspirations of the students. Let us work together to build a better tomorrow.
With the best compliments,Dr. Annapa

Prof. Incharge of Internships' Message
Greetings from CDC, NITK Surathkal.
National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal is an Institute of National importance that was established as Karnataka Regional Engineering College (KREC) in the year 1960. Nine undergraduate programs in different disciplines leading to B.Tech. and M.Tech., M.Tech.(Research) The departments, schools, and centers offer doctoral degree programs in a wide range of specializations.
Our students continuously work hard to deliver the best in their academic field. They are encouraged to visit India and abroad to attend and present technical papers at National and International Conferences. In the recent past, many students have visited foreign universities and widened their knowledge base. NITK Surathkal has been the most preferred Institute by several recruiting organizations for a long time. Our Placement Cell has a long-standing relationship history with our recruiters. It is determined to improve the recruitment process to provide the best of it for employers as well as for students. Our placement cell is recognized among students and recruiters among the top Placement Cells. Our team at CDC works together with a continuous drive to give the best to our recruiters. It is a great privilege to welcome the recruiting organizations.
With best wishes!Prof. Arun M Isloor
Past Recruiters

Placement Statistics
The Career Development Centre (CDC) organizes centralized on-campus employment interviews and placements for all students. Excellent track record of landing well-paying positions in top organizations in India and overseas.
Meet the Team
Administrative Staff
CDC Staff
CDC Student Team